Security – Creating a Safer World

main-moderator Jan 28, 2020 | 5399 Views
  • Security

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Security is freedom from, or resilience against, potential harm (or other unwanted coercive change) caused by others. Beneficiaries (technically referents) of security may be of persons and social groups, objects and institutions, ecosystems or any other entity or phenomenon vulnerable to unwanted change.

Fundamentally, security has to do with the presence of peace, safety, gladness and the protection of human and physical resources or absence of crisis or threats to human dignity, all of which facilitate development and progress of any human society. The concept of security has become a preoccupation for the decades following the end of the Cold War which could also be referred to as landmark for
diverse school of thought with security studies. Security, as a concept, has diverse dimensions. It is aptly used in psychology, finance, information access, public safety, defense and military matters.
The meaning of security is ambiguous as its scope continues to expand every day. The elastic nature of the concept of security attracts different meanings and different views. Security is an important concept that every human person desires and it has one or two meanings though it defies precise definition. This account for the position of Barry Buzan (1991) who describes security as an ambiguous and
multidimensional concept in which military factors have attracted misappropriate attention. This chapter therefore examines the concept of security taking into cognizance diverse views of different scholars. It equally covers the notion of national security, international security and the concept of human security, which is the basis of all other forms of security

Security mostly refers to protection from hostile forces, but it has a wide range of other senses: for example, as the absence of harm (e.g. freedom from want); as the presence of an essential good (e.g. food security); as resilience against potential damage or harm (e.g. secure foundations); as secrecy (e.g. a secure telephone line); as containment (e.g. a secure room or cell); and as a state of mind (e.g. emotional security).


Communication Security Physical Security National Security Economic Security
Computer Security Airport Security Public Security Financial Security
Internet Security Corporate Security Homeland Security Social Security
Application Security Food Security Internal Security
Data Security Environmental Security International Security
Digital Security Home Security Global Security
Information Security Physical Security Community Security
Network Security Personal Security
Endpoint Security Infrastructure Security
Supply Chain Security
Port Security

IT security is a set of cyber-security strategies that prevents unauthorized access to organizational assets such as computers, networks, and data. It maintains the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information, blocking the access of sophisticated hackers.

Network security

Network security is used to prevent unauthorized or malicious users from getting inside your network. This ensures that usability, reliability, and integrity are uncompromised. This type of security is necessary to prevent a hacker from accessing data inside the network. It also prevents them from negatively affecting your users’ ability to access or use the network.

Network security has become increasingly challenging as businesses increase the number of endpoints and migrate services to public cloud.

Internet security

Internet security involves the protection of information that is sent and received in browsers, as well as network security involving web-based applications. These protections are designed to monitor incoming internet traffic for malware as well as unwanted traffic. This protection may come in the form of firewalls, antimalware, and antispyware.

Endpoint security

Endpoint security provides protection at the device level. Devices that may be secured by endpoint security include cell phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. Endpoint security will prevent your devices from accessing malicious networks that may be a threat to your organization. Advance malware protection and device management software are examples of endpoint security.

Cloud security

Applications, data, and identities are moving to the cloud, meaning users are connecting directly to the Internet and are not protected by the traditional security stack. Cloud security can help secure the usage of software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications and the public cloud.  A cloud-access security broker (CASB), secure Internet gateway (SIG), and cloud-based unified threat management (UTM) can be used for cloud security.

Application security

With application security, applications are specifically coded at the time of their creation to be as secure as possible, to help ensure they are not vulnerable to attacks. This added layer of security involves evaluating the code of an app and identifying the vulnerabilities that may exist within the software.

The concept of human security emanates from the conventional security studies which centers on the security of the state. Its focus is individuals and its ultimate end point is the protection of people from traditional and non-traditional threats. Centre to this concept is the belief that human security deprivations can undercut peace and stability within and among states.
The Commission on Human Security (CHS) in one of its work defines human security as:
"The ability to protect the vital core of all human lives in such a way that it enhances human freedoms and human fulfillment. Human
security means protecting fundamental freedoms that are the essence of life. It means protecting people from serious and persistent threats and situations. It means using processes that build on people's strengths and aspirations. It means creating political, social, environmental, economic, military and cultural systems that together give people the building blocks of survival, livelihood and
It is important to state that human security covers every area of human needs. This is why it serves as the basis of all forms and categories of security. Since, human security gives primacy to human beings and their complex social and economic interactions, it derives its convincing quality from the fact that is based on the global concern and threats to human security are no longer secluded issues. It is pertinent to state that threat to human security are very easy to manage if preventive measures are taken at appropriate time before it advances to devastating state
POLITICAL - Global AND National Security
Nations of the world prioritize the safety of its territorial integrity, resources and its entire citizenry. This informs the belief that national security is the preservation of independence and sovereignty of a nation state. In reality, every country has a large number of interests to protect. These interest put together constitute the national interest which originates from values, good governance and protection of social and economic well-being of the entire citizenry. Based on this, one may describe national security as the  protection and maintenance of national interest of a state or nation(s).
This corresponds with Harold Brown's [US Secretary of Defense from 1977 to 1981] perception when he defines national security "as the ability to preserve the nation's physical integrity and territory; to maintain its economic relations with the rest of the world on reasonable terms; to preserve it nature, institutions and governance from disruption from outside and to control its borders."

Global Security - Market Analysis

According to Verified Market Research, The Global Physical Security Market was valued at USD 85.58 billion in 2017 and is projected to reach USD 184.01 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 10.1% from 2018 to 2025.  

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