Role of Financial Intermediary in Life

shashi Nov 20, 2021 | 1531 Views
  • Financial Services
  • Insurance

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The large unutilized balance in Savings bank account leads to range of regret. So we decide to browse investment options. There is too much information out there. We seek advice, but remain unconvinced we talk, but are unimpressed. The money idles. Why is it so difficult & exactly what are the constraints?

First , we don’t make money decisions easily as there is lot at stake & we like to decide after considerable thought as there is no sense of urgency. We are fine with money lying idle and console ourselves that at least it is not loosing value in wrong investments. Hence we end up doing nothing.

Secondly, we are unable to simplify the investment selection process. The problem with investment products is that they work in the dynamic context of marketplace & there is no telling how they will do in future.

Third, we are quite mixed up about timing.  Some of us believe that timing is everything of whether we make money or not depends on when we invested & when we took the money out.

Fourth, We are ill prepared to deal with unexpected events. The markets may crash, there may be political events, there can be government decisions or global events which may effect our investments. There also can be downturns or market volatility on which we have no control. It is tough dealing with panic.

Fifth, despite the best research & analysis, some of our investments could under perform. Continuing to hold them can affect portfolio returns.

Let us pause to consider how to deal with these constraints. If we are prone to postponing our investment decisions, we can connect with an investment intermediary seeking professional help. He/She can hand hold us during turbulent times & help us automate the investment process based on our goals &  dreams.

That in a gist is the choice between engaging an intermediary & DIY. An intermediary will be able to persuade you to organize your finances so that you may achieve your goals. We must engage in good discussion with the intermediary about what they do for you & how by having proper conversation. You also be willing to invest time & energy. Invest it wisely on core tasks, processes & allow the intermediary to do the rest.

Here are few inputs for your Goal Planning & Financial Planning journey:-

  1. Contingency fund planning.
  2. Health insurance planning.
  3. Life insurance planning.
  4. Buying a dream house or car.
  5. Childs’s higher education cost.
  6. Child’s marriage cost.
  7. Retirement corpus.
  8. Pension planning.
  9. Estate planning.
  10. Preparation of will.

Hope you will like the details given above & we would be happy to hear from you soon for any requirements.

Happy Investing!

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