Ten Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Education

kcr-c Feb 12, 2022 | 1457 Views
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Education

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Artificial intelligence is rapidly gaining popularity due to the rapid advancement of technology. It can be found in classrooms around the globe as well as online.

However, there are still many misconceptions about AI. This Article will explore the ten important roles artificial intelligence plays in education today.

We will begin by looking at how AI can help teachers grade assignments. Next, we’ll move onto other areas where AI can benefit educators like tutoring programs and reading comprehension tools. You should now have a better understanding of how artificial intelligence affects education. Continue reading!


1. AI helps teachers grade student assignments
Many teachers spend a lot of time grading student work. This is why many are thrilled about the possibility that computers could take this job.
Many programs can be used to automatically grade complex assignments such a essays or research papers.

Grammarly has developed an algorithm that can correct up to 10 errors in various types of texts, including essays.
Knewton, a startup that developed AI for learning and evaluation of student work, can read and assess students’ writings, and understand what they are trying communicate.

It uses artificial intelligence technology for complex grammatical structures that describe new concepts. Then, it searches its database for similar texts to help compare the meaning.

2. AI helps improve education with digital assistants
Online assistants such as Siri or Google Assistant can be used by teachers to assist them in their teaching. These tools allow students to ask questions and make it easy for them to find the answers. They can also be engaged in other tasks such as completing assignments or studying for exams.

3. Artificial intelligence guides students through material to help them learn.
You’ve probably used an app or online program to aid in your studies. These tools are extremely efficient thanks to AI, and they’re constantly in use.
Artificial intelligence is used by some programs to improve reading comprehension. This may seem odd, but it is possible. These tools can help you understand the material, recognize concepts, and even summarize it for you.

4. Artificial intelligence allows teachers to personalize their learning experience
Artificial intelligence programs can be used by teachers to better understand their students’ backgrounds, preferences and needs. This information can then be used to personalize the learning experience.

5. AI can be used to assist with homework.
This technique is useful for students who require more help understanding new concepts or need guidance in approaching particular problems.

Teachers can use artificial intelligence in two ways. Teachers can either use the same apps that they used to study or they can access AI tutoring programs online, which are often very affordable and highly effective.

6. AI helps teachers plan lessons
Artificial intelligence is being used by some teachers to streamline their work and free up time for other tasks, such as designing engaging lessons for students. Teachers can make use of tools to analyze student data, then identify areas for improvement and focus on a specific student.

7. AI allows teachers and students to identify learning difficulties.
Artificial intelligence programs allow teachers to better understand why students have difficulty understanding certain concepts. They can then adapt their lessons to better help students understand these topics.

8. Artificial intelligence can even grade teacher qualifications.
This may seem controversial to some, but Binance Coin and other cryptocurrencies already use AI algorithms to rank teachers’ education and ranking their performance. Students will be able to access information only from peers who have been deemed trustworthy.

9. AI allows for greater collaboration between schools.
Artificial intelligence monitors student growth and progress so teachers can spot any developmental issues early, which allows them to create personalized learning plans for each child. It’s especially useful in rural areas, where students might not have access to professionals or pediatricians who can help.

10. AI can be used to improve efficiency in schools and school districts
Artificial intelligence technology is being used by schools and school districts around the world to make them more efficient, not harder.
One example is the tool that Chicago schools have used for more than a year to track student attendance. It notifies teachers automatically when students are absent to allow them to plan accordingly.

Schools have many tools that can help them gain insight into the academic performance of their students and their skill levels. This allows them to make better choices about what resources they offer to maximize student potential.


Artificial intelligence isn’t a new concept for education. Artificial intelligence is not a new concept in education. Teachers have used it for years to collaborate, give feedback, and even grade assignments. Artificial intelligence has advanced significantly since the days when Siri was available on your iPhone and Microsoft Word’s grammar-checker.

Artificial intelligence can be used to help teachers effectively teach their students. It can do many things, from providing lesson plans and grading homework, to diagnosing student learning issues with advanced AI systems such as Watson Assistant. We are excited about the future innovation possibilities that machine learning and deep neural network can bring.

What do you think? These 10 Roles of AI in Education are enough to motivate you to incorporate this technology into your existing plan. Follow Us on Witanworld or Visit Us – kcrconsultants.com/blog/

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