How to Recognize Right or Wrong Drainage Connections

steve Sep 12, 2024 | 340 Views
  • Construction

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As a homeowner, you need to find out what type of drainage system your property has to at least get an idea of the state of your drain connections. This information should have been presented in the survey upon buying or building the property.

If this information is not included in the property survey, or you’ve simply lost the copy of the report, it’s best to contact your local drains professional to check your drain connectors.

You can also check from your local authority or water company, as they should know what type of sewerage system your property originally had.

Connecting Gutters and Gullies

Only rainwater should be collected by your gutters and gullies, which should be connected to the rainwater drain. Your rainwater system should not be connected to your wastewater pipes. Rainwater can overwhelm the drain and cause flooding if the rainwater gutters and gullies are connected to the wastewater drain.

Checking Drain Connections

Most homes have two separate sewer systems:

  • Wastewater sewer system: this system takes dirty water from your toilets, sinks, baths and showers, dishwashers, washing machines, etc., for treatment at your local sewage works.
  • Rainwater sewer: this system only takes rainwater to a local waterway, rivers, streams, or beach.

Checking your drain connections is vital to identify if they’re appropriately connected to their respective sewer system. You could be causing water pollution in your area without you knowing of it.

Installing Drain Connections

If you doubt your property’s drain connections, you can ask a drainage company to have it checked for you. If they identify wrong drain connections, have them install the right connections immediately to avoid any issue from happening.

Drain Connections in Rented Properties

If you are renting your home and the property has the wrong drain connections, you are not responsible for installing the new and proper connections. You should immediately contact your landlord to install the correct connections for wastewater and rainwater plumbing.


How to Avoid Blocked Drains

Block drains are hard to deal with. They are inconvenient, often have a foul odour, and may cause severe issues to your home’s plumbing system if left unchecked. The good news is that there are many things you can do to prevent your drainage system from clogging. Here are some of the things you can do to avoid blocked drains:

1) Keep your sink free of food waste

A sink strainer will catch any leftover food that is cleaned off the dishes. Sink strainers need to be replaced or cleaned regularly to remain effective. They come in various sizes; make sure you measure your sink first before buying one.

2) Ensure your shower drains are clean

A good drain cover can prevent hair from going down the drain. It is also advisable to pour a cup of baking soda or vinegar down the shower drain every once in a while.

3) Do not pour leftover oils and grease down your drains

Pouring oil and grease in your kitchen sink is a sure way of getting your house drainage system clogged. These products tend to solidify within pipers, creating a blockage that can be tough to remove. Additionally, other food and soap debris can get stuck to them, making it a more significant issue.

4) Be mindful of what you flush in your toilet

The toilet was originally designed to handle human waste and toilet paper without a problem, but flushing down other products can quickly cause blockage. Products such as baby wipes, sanitary napkins, and diapers are best disposed of in a bin to avoid blocked pipes and drains.

5) Pour boiling water down the sink

Pouring a kettle of boiling water will help eliminate unwanted bits of food. Doing this at least once a week will melt built-up grease and debris in your kitchen drains.

6) Have a routine pipe inspection

The best way to avoid blocked drains is by calling a professional to check the status of your drainage system. Sometimes there are drainage issues that are not noticeable immediately. These kinds of problems are easily recognized by a professional.

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