Why You Need to Swap Your Soft Drinks to Milkshakes?

isabella Dec 22, 2024 | 205 Views
  • Health
  • Wellness

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The craze for soda is gradually diminishing but a lot of people still do not pay much attention to the intake of healthier alternatives. Regular consumption of soda has numerous serious adverse effects on human health. According to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine (September 2019), drinking soda is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, colorectal cancer, and total mortality. Soda contains a high volume of sugar and calories but zero essential nutrients. It may have a high sugar content, which could dull your sensitivity to sweetness; hence, one falls into a vicious cycle of wanting sweet foods and drinks. It contributes to obesity, diabetes and other health conditions, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Milkshakes could be a better option than soda, but it all depends on what goes into it. While soda contains loads of sugar and empty calories without no value nutritionally, a milkshake fills one with real milk. It therefore confers benefits in terms of proteins, calcium, and all essential vitamins good for the bones and overall health. Milkshakes can still be pretty indulgent with all of the ice cream, syrups, and added sugars that get put in them. Sometimes, they have nearly as much sugar as one would find in soda. The key to any such foods is moderation. If one is craving a milkshake, go for options with low-fat milk, fresh fruits, or natural sweeteners to balance out the diet. In this article, we’ll discuss the advantages of having a milkshake instead of soda. 

Strong Bones

We have heard the phrase, milk builds strong bones. So, do milkshakes if they contain real milk. One serving of milk can provide up to a good chunk of the daily calcium needs. One cup of milk contains around 30% of your daily calcium, plus 11% potassium, and  20% phosphorus. These nutrients help keep your bones strong and healthy. Calcium is especially important to help bones stay dense, and you even reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life. So, when you substitute a milkshake for soda you’re not only indulging a craving-you’re giving your body something it needs. 

Better Dental Health

Apart from being good for the bones, milkshakes do a great deal for your teeth. The calcium and phosphorus in milk maintain the enamel of your teeth and keep them from decaying, which is very essential while one is still growing and developing adult teeth. Unlike soda, which is acidic and gnaws on your enamel over time, milkshakes do much to protect your teeth. The calcium is then stored in your teeth and bones keeping your smile much healthier and stronger. The next time you drink up on a milkshake not only are you indulging yourself but also you are doing your teeth a favour.

Sustained Energy

While soda provides an instant burst of energy, it is mostly followed by an energy crash in the form of lethargies. Milkshakes provide sustained energy because of the content of protein in them. Protein keeps you full longer and fuels your body throughout the day. Besides protein, milkshakes also contain vitamin B12, which helps your body convert food into energy rather than store it as fat. That makes milkshakes a wiser choice when you need an energy boost. Ditch that sugar-laden soda for a milkshake, and you will get the energy you need without the crash.  

Healthy Skin

Little do you know, your favourite milkshake can also give your skin a natural glow. Riboflavin and vitamin B12 in your glass of milk are also great for skin health. There is even lactic acid in milk that is very beneficial to your skin complexion. Milk will not only give a healthy and soft appearance, but it also lowers skin cancer risk, in particular melanoma. Lactic acid in milk acts as a natural exfoliant that softens and smoothes out your skin. Not only does this go to great benefit for the appearance of your skin, but it also reduces risks of skin issues such as dryness and irritation.

Prevention of Sicknesses and Diseases

Apart from being very good for strong bones, a source of energy, or glowing skin, milkshakes guarantee immunity. The various nutrients present in milk, like calcium, vitamin D, and protein, help one get strong and fight diseases. Consumption of milk may reduce the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and some cancers. 


If you replace soda with a nutrient-filled milkshake, that would mean you are in a much better place, health-wise. Milkshakes are capable of naturally powering your immune system to fight off everyday sicknesses along with many other health benefits. 

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